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Contact Us -:- Directions -:- E-Mail Policy -:- Mailing Lists
Rick's Computers Mailing Lists

Welcome to our Mailing List page. This page contains information about each of the mailing lists that we maintain, as well as instructions on how to subscribe and unsubscribe from each.

Initially, we had one mailing list called News. Then we decided to break it into multiple, product-specific lists so that mailings could be more targeted. It was determined that our customers preferred to get all of the information that we sent out rather than product-specific information so we discontinued the extra lists and went back to just the one list. Since then, we have also added list for schools in case we send out information that is not pertinent to non-academic customers.

Our mailing lists are as follows:
List NameDescription

NewsThis is our miscellaneous catch-all list. Any information that we feel could be interesting or beneficial to our customers will get sent to this list.
AcademicThis list is for academic institutions of all types. Newsletters or messages that may have promotions or opportunities specifically for academic institutions are sent to this list.

To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message from your account to the subscribe address for the list. The subscribe address uses the format as follows:
listname[email protected]
substituting the name of the list from the table above for listname in the example. To preserve the integrity of the lists, no actual clickable mail link for the lists will be displayed on this page.

To unsubscribe from any of the lists, use     listname[email protected]

If you have any suggestions or feedback for our mailing lists, or if you are having troubles subscribing or unsubscribing, please send a message to [email protected].

Thank you.

  If you have any questions regarding our web pages, please contact [email protected].